Roasted Beets is a vibrant and wholesome dish featuring tender baby red beets paired with farro, white wine, and a tangy hibiscus seasoning. The beets are complemented with creamy Greek yogurt, crème fraîche, and fresh herbs like dill and chives, creating a delightful balance of flavors and textures.
PLACE the beets on a sheet of foil, rub thoroughly with olive oil and season with salt. Crimp the edges of the foil to create a pouch and add one cup of water. Place another piece of foil on top, sealing the edges. Roast in oven until tender, about one hour.
COOL the pouch slightly. With the beets still warm, rub with a paper towel to remove the skin. Trim the top and bottom with a knife. Reserve.
SWEAT the onion in a tablespoon of olive oil in a saucepan until soft and translucent. Add the farro and toast, then add 1 tablespoon of salt. Once fragrant, add the white wine and let the wine cook out. Once dry, add 1 cup of water waiting until the water is cooked out. Keep adding increments of 1 cup of water until the farro is tender. Cool and reserve.
MELT the butter in deep pot until frothy. Then add all the milk powder at once. Keep stirring until milk powder turns a light brown. Strain milk powder to remove excess butter and place on a tray lined with paper towels to further drain.
BLEND the browned milk solids, the Greek yogurt and crème fraîche in a blender until smooth. Fold in the herbs and season with salt.
COMBINE hibiscus with 4 cups of water in pot. Bring to a simmer. Cook until liquid is reduced by half. Strain out the liquid into another bowl and combine with glucose powder. Return the liquid to the pot and cook to reduce by half again. The consistency should be syrupy.
HEAT the beets in the hibiscus syrup and add a large pat of butter. Swirl the pan once butter has melted in the syrup to ensure the syrup has a smooth, glazed look.
REHEAT the farro and fold in the brown butter sauce. Check for seasoning.