No party ever (No. Party. Ever.) has been complete without a few bottles of wine in the mix. This fact rings even more true when it comes to bachelorette parties. We have scoured the internet for all of the party accessories that will be essential in making your next bachelorette bash a huge success that will be remembered by no one but will result in tiny pieces of pink feather boa and glitter in your hair/purse/clothes for the rest of eternity.
Bride & Bachelorette on the Loose Wine Glasses
Obviously, you’re going to need something to drink all that wine from. For the bride-to-be, this glass comes complete with rhinestone studs and flashing lights that will make her unmissable. For the bachelorettes there’s plenty of pink feathers and the appropriate warning “Bachelorette on the Loose!”
Bachelorette Party Wine Bottle Labels
While we do like to respect the integrity of your wine bottles, these little labels are pretty festive. Just stick them on the front of whatever you decide to pop open that night for some added flair.
Cheers Bitches Banner
You’re going to need some decorations. We think this says it all. Plain and simple.
Naughty Drinking Straws
Just as no party is complete without wine, no bachelorette party is complete without some…*naughtiness.* Throw in a few of these and you should be good to go. Just be sure to burn all the photos later.
Metallic Wine Glass Pens
Forget wine charms, use these metallic pens to label your many glasses. Or, rather than writing your name, get a little creative and refer to the previous item for some inspiration.
Wine Condom Bottle Stoppers
Before you get ahead of yourself, no these are not wine flavored condoms. Again, we do like to respect the integrity of our wine at least to some degree. These Wine Condoms are used in place of bottle stoppers and actually do a pretty damn good job of making sure your bottle is sealed tight. Plus, they’re totally hilarious in their little gold packaging.

Sir Perky Bottle Stopper
For when you inevitably run out of wine condoms, there’s always Sir Perky. He is as reliable as anything and will always be super duper excited to stop up that unfinished bottle.